Read and adhere to all instructions made available during the screening test.
Check your computer. Avoid last-minute problems! Whether you’re using your personal computer or one in a cybercafé, verify that it has all the correct hardware and software well in advance of the exam. Also, make sure you’ll be in a location with an
adequate and stable Internet Access and Power.
Attempt All Questions
The test is made up of thirty (30) multiple choice questions.
The test will last for five (5) minutes.
Don’t leave the test page until you have submitted your answers! You are not permitted to search the web or check other websites for information during the test period.
Click the radio button to choose the correct option.
Crosscheck your answers before you submit it. Ensure that every answer is complete and appears as you intended.
Click submit when you’re done.
Cheating in tests is considered an extremely serious offence which may lead to the disqualification of a candidate without warning. Do not get any external help and do not talk or communicate during the test. All the best